
Monday, June 20, 2011

Light of Dawn VS. Word of Glory

Lately I have been getting asked by my guildies and some other pallys out there when they should use Light of Dawn over Word of Glory.  The problem with this is there is no set answer.  So, I shall go over some considerations that I take into account when healing on my Holy Pally.
First thing, are you in a 10 or 25 man raid.  The problem with Light of Dawn in a 10 man setting is that you don’t really have to many melee or stacking moments where you need to cast it alot.  The most melee you should have in a 10 man raid is 2.  That plus 2 possible tanks in range, usually only 1 tank, makes it not as valuable as Word of Glory when healing your beacon target (which should be the tank).  However, if you are in the 25 man setting and have the Glyph of Light of Dawn (which you should) then you should most definately use Light of Dawn to heal your beacon target.  This is due to the fact that half of each heal goes to heal your beacon target.  Now, my LoD hits individuals for about 9-10k with my sp while my WoG only does about 16-17k no crits.  Now, if we take these numbers and add the half heals going to the beacon target, your WoG only does around 24-26k each heal, where your LoD will heal for 36-40k.  Now, with out crits, that is a huge upgrade.  Essentially, use WoG for this purpose in 10 man, but 25, stick with LoD.
Now, for all other cases, pretty self explanintory.  LoD on AoE healing phases and WoG for single target heals accross the board.
I will be adding Holy Paladin info more often to this website and throwing up a guide by the end of the week.  As always, feel free to contact me through email at or twitter at  Thanks guys.

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